A new month, a new job and a new start... I couldn't be happier.
If the last 18 months have taught me anything, it's to never take anything for granted and to appreciate the small things.
When I heard those 5 little words 18 months ago, "your hearing will never return" I had no idea how much my life would change, from small day to day things to huge, career changing possibilities.
I was determined at first to not let this effect my job, of which I loved. Being a dance teacher was in my blood, it was all I ever knew and I wasn't ready to take a leap of faith.... until now. When my doctor wanted to sign me off with exhaustion and stress I knew something had to change. After researching other peoples career changes due to SSD I was shocked to read that people took early retirement, became housewives and job hopped from place to place with very little support from employers. I read stories of bullying and being left out of office communications because of their disability. Some even deemed "unemployable" as a hard of hearing person comes with more baggage than a "normal" employee. Its disgusting that invisible illnesses such as these are seen as a negative when in actual fact, that individual could do a better job than most if given the chance. Other stories saw SSD used against people in interviews with employers making any excuse to not give the job away.
With this in mind I was careful with what I wrote on applications and emails when asked about myself. One particular telephone interview sticks in my mind. I was, in her words, perfect for the role. After a brief talk about the job, the conversation turned to me. When asked "is there anything about yourself you'd like to add?" I replied explaining that I was deaf on my left side, she replied "oh....ok" and quickly ended the call saying she would be in touch. Funnily enough I never heard anything! It must have been fate as the week after I struck gold! A great interview, 2 extremely understanding and lovely bosses and a job offer within 48 hours!
10 days in and loving every minute, so far iv only answered the phone to my bad ear twice! I giggled to myself and shrugged it off, luckily no one saw! You can do anything you put your mind to and right now, I feel like a whole new person. As a good friend told me this week... "never let anyone dull your sparkle"
until next time...
until next time